1. 出生证的申请表:
2. 死亡证的申请表:
3. 原件复印件一致公认证
3栏 – 公证、认证的内容 参考:
4栏 – 公证、认证的使用目的内容参考:
5栏 – 提交材料及申办公证认证的份数:
技巧:主要的办理文件名称 + 护照复印件,例如:出生证,护照复印件。
6栏 – 办理时间:如选择加急,将加收费用,如果您没有支付加急费用,请选择普通!
如果您办的是委托书之类的文件,请一定要签得和您委托书上面一模一样,比如委托书上签的是中文 此表格也要签中文,如果是中英文,表上也要签上中英文。
*提醒:CEV(ChinaEntryVisa.com) 不对文字或内容错误引起的不便负任何责任,文字与信息错误都会尽快更正。网站内服务报价和信息有可能会有更改变动,不做另行通知。
What makes ChinaEntryVisa Different From the State Department?
ChinaEntryVisa is not a foreign government, does not issue the visa and does charge a service fee on top of the what the embassy charges for the visa. We provide clearer instructions,
Best Service support, fast turn-around and real time status updates.
Please note, embassies will only refer you to their web site, not provide you with any support or updates and will return documents to you if incorrect causing additional expense and significant delays.
Click here to Visit Embassy Web Site