Notarized Diploma Requirements For Use in China

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How to authenticate a diploma or academic record for use in China?

The very first step to authenticating a diploma or any academic records for use in China starts with notarization. You can choose to authenticate the original diploma or a certified copy, also known as true copy. We recommend to have a certified copy authenticated to avoid damage or loss to your original document. You must contact your school’s Office of Registrar for a certified copy. This step can also be used for other academic records such TESOL, TEFL and transcripts.

Requirements for Notarized Diploma

Any academic record must be notarized by a local notary public in the state where it originated. The notarized document must include two separate statements: a declaration and an acknowledgement.

A notary public cannot simply add a signature and seal to the document. The Chinese Consulate routinely rejects diplomas that solely bear a notary statement. The declaration must be applied by the school registrar and the acknowledgement must be from the notary public. Both statements can be printed, typed or stamped on either the front or back side, or on a separate paper attached to the diploma.

*Certain states require a County Clerk to certify the notary’s signature. Please check with your state’s requirements before proceeding to next steps.

Samples (click to enlarge):

What is next?

Once your document is notarized, you may proceed to Secretary of State authentication unless County Clerk certification is required in your state.

If your document is issued from the following states, you will require further authentication by the US Department of State:

After all steps above have been completed, you can apply for Chinese Consulate authentication.

Select Your State of Residence: