北马里亚纳群岛 Northern Mariana Islands

美国公证认证 , 2018-06-28

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北马里亚纳群岛 Northern Mariana Islands Farallon de Pajaros(Uracas) 毛格群岛(Maug Islands) Asuncion 阿格里汉岛(Agrigan) 帕甘岛(Pagan) Alamagan Guguan(关岛) 齐兰迪亚礁(Zealandia Bank) 萨里甘岛(Sarigan) 安纳塔汉岛(Anatahan) 梅迪尼利亚岛(Farallon de Medinilla) 塞班岛(Saipan) 天宁岛(Tinian) Aguijan(Agiguan) 罗塔岛(Rota) Birth 出生纸 Event: Birth Cost of copy: $20.00 Address: Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation Vital Statistics Office P.O. Box 500409 Saipan, MP 96950 Remarks: Office has records for birth since 1946. Record……

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