
代办中国签证,美国签证服务 , 2018-02-28

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出入境章 目前已经没有小白卡了, 2013年改为“ I-94 automation” I-94可以登录 http://www.cbp.gov/I94,在线打印出来! 什么是TN签证? 仅限于加拿大/墨西哥公民 For citizens of Canada / Mexico only 3年美国工作授权 3-Year U.S. Work Authorization 63 个职业需申请 An individual may obtain authorization to work in the U.S. under TN visa status in one of sixty-three occupations. Most Require Degree / Few Exceptions TN签证转绿卡  TN Visa To Green Card May Be Possible 常见的TN签证服务 U.S. Border Applications U.S. Embassy / Consulate Applicatio……

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