
美国公证认证 , 2018-06-25

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委托书认证: 儿童寄养委托书认证(Fosterage Attorney) 房产买卖委托书认证(Power of Attorney for Real Estate Transaction) 房屋转让委托书认证(Power of Attorney) 离婚诉讼的委托书(Suit for Divorce) 委托国内亲友代办银行或其他事情(Power of Attorney) 声明书认证: 美国出生证中文翻译件认证(U.S. Birth certificate Chinese translation certificate) 美国结婚证中文翻译件认证(U.S. Marriage Certificate Chinese Translation Certificate) 单身声明书认证/无配偶声明书(Affidavit of Single Status) 放弃遗产继承声明认证(Relinquish of Inheritance) 财产赠与声明书认证(Gift of Property) 政府文件类认证: 美国出生证认证(Birth Certificate Authentica……

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