
美国公证认证 , 2018-10-11

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如果您的出生纸是县卫生局(County Health Officers And Local Registrars)发的,那么您就需要重新申请一份县政府发的或州务卿发的出生纸,才可以递交加州州务卿认证。或者,先拿这份卫生局发的出生纸到县政府做一份认证,在递交加州州务卿认证。 官方退件原因: Our office cannot comply with your request for authentication for the following reason(s) Our office is unable to authenticate the signaturess of County Health Officers And Local Registrars. It will be necessary to have the enclosed signature certified our office is unable to authenticate the signatures of County Health Officersby the county cl……

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